About us

Our open source development provides customized, user-friendly and future-proof answers to socially and environmentally sustainable geographic issues, guaranteeing technical independence and flexibility, because we are convinced of the higher quality of open source and a free distribution of knowledge.


Motivated by the launch of the Copernicus program of the European Commission in 2014, and the desire to make information from satellite data available to customers, the company mundialis was founded in 2015. Based on the founders’ many years of experience in the geoinformation industry, open source development and science, mundialis was able to quickly build a team of experts, establish itself in the international market and grow continuously.


Markus Eichhorn

Managing Director

Markus studied geoinformatics. Through GIS development, he discovered his passion for geospatial data and developed into an expert in geomarketing, remote sensing and the strategic use of geospatial data. He is also a Level C IPMA certified project manager.
Carmen Tawalika

Application Developer

Carmen studied geography and has been with mundialis since its inception. She is a supporter of open source and the main developer of actinia. She also takes over the Technical Lead at mundialis.
Dr. Markus Metz

Remote Sensing Specialist

Markus Metz received his PhD in biology from the University of Oldenburg and came to GIS and remote sensing via biogeography and is a long-time developer of the core components of GRASS GIS. At mundialis, he is the specialist for all topics related to remote sensing.
Anika Weinmann

Application Developer & Technical Lead

Anika studied geodesy and geoinformation at the University of Bonn. It specializes in solving remote sensing analysis using Deep Learning techniques.
Jan Orzekowsky

System Administrator

Jan studied computer science at the Technical University of Cologne. He worked as a system administrator at terrestris GmbH & Co KG for three years before joining mundialis.
Guido Riembauer
Guido Riembauer

Geospatial Analyst

Guido studied Geoinformation & Visualization at the University of Potsdam and worked, among others, in the ESA Earth Observation Program before joining mundialis. He supports mundialis in development and data analysis and is specialized in radar remote sensing.
Julia Haas

Geospatial Analyst

Julia studied geography at the University of Bonn. She came to geospatial data and remote sensing via environmental monitoring and sustainability analysis. It supports mundialis in the analysis of massive data volumes with a focus on time series analysis and process automation.
Lina Krisztian

Geospatial Analyst

Lina studied Geodetic Engineering at the University of Bonn with the profile Geodetic Earth System Science and Data Analysis. It addressed the temporal prediction of river levels for flooding using remote sensing data and machine learning techniques.
Dr. Elisabeth Panzenböck
Dr. Elisabeth Panzenböck

Project Manager

Elisabeth received her PhD in physics from the University of Göttingen and Nara Women's University in Nara, Japan. She has worked in mission operations at the German Space Operations Center (GSOC) as well as the National Coordinator for Space Weather at DLR, among other positions. Since the beginning of 2023, she has been supporting mundialis as a project manager.
Victoria-Leandra Brunn
Victoria-Leandra Brunn

Geospatial Analyst

Victoria-Leandra studied Geodesy and Geoinformation (M.Sc.) at the University of Bonn, where she worked at the Chair of Geodetic Earth System Research. She supports mundialis in remote sensing analyses.
Lennart Meine
Lennart Meine

Project Manager

Lennart studied Physical Geography (M.Sc.) in Cologne and worked there at the Institute of Geography. He then worked as a research assistant at the Federal Highway Research Institute (BASt) and was responsible for climate change impacts and adaptation projects. He is project manager at mundialis.
Jonas Pischke

Student Employee

Jonas is a master's student in geography at the University of Bonn, focusing on the diverse applications of remote sensing. During an internship at mundialis, he gained practical experience and continues to support the team in processing and analyzing remote sensing data.
Dr. Markus Neteler

Co-Founder & Senior Consultant

Markus is a partner and shareholder of mundialis. Until 2016 he led a GIS research group in Trento (Italy) and has many years of experience in open source development and remote sensing and is one of the founding fathers of GRASS GIS(personal page).
Hinrich Paulsen

Co-Founder & Senior Consultant

Hinrich is co-founder and shareholder of the company mundialis. He has many years of experience in business management and development, human resources and finance, and primarily oversees Earth Sustainability Monitoring projects.

Our values

We create long-lasting solutions.

mundialis focuses on the use of free geodata, such as the European Copernicus program or the Open Data offerings of the German states. From these vast amounts of data, we generate spatial information in the form of map and data products and web services. To this end, we develop innovative GIS and remote sensing methods using artificial intelligence and machine learning. We implement these in software individually designed according to customer requirements. The basis is the geoinformation system GRASS GIS and the cloud-based geoprocessing platform actinia, which we continuously extend and make available as free and open source software.

We dare to be transparent.

By using and publishing open source software, we are part of an active and collaborative community where everyone benefits through open and fair principles. This enables low-barrier, long-term use and further development of our software.
mundialis combines many years of experience in open source development with scientific expertise and agile project management. Our dynamically growing team combines considerable professional experience, language skills and expertise: together we offer over six decades of experience in the remote sensing environment.

We explore our options.

At mundialis, we work with free geodata and free software in the remote sensing environment.
We generate spatial information while developing free and open source software. Both form the core of customized GIS solutions that are implemented in a customer-oriented manner. We work in a scientifically sound manner with regional, national and international project partners. In addition to our content-related work, we see ourselves as an environmentally conscious and sustainable company that makes a positive contribution to society and the environment.

Seit Dezember 2023 ist mundialis nach DIN EN ISO 9001:2015 (Qualitätsmanagement) und DIN EN ISO 14001:2015 (Umweltmanagement) zertifiziert. Diese Zertifikate bestätigen unser Engagement für höchste Standards. professionelles Management unserer Abläufe, nachhaltiges Wirtschaften und kontinuierliche Verbesserung. Die Optimierung unserer Prozesse während der Zertifizierung stärkt nicht nur die Qualität unserer Dienstleistungen, sondern fördert auch ein bewusstes und nachhaltiges Arbeitsumfeld. Wir sehen die Zertifizierung als Ansporn, unseren Weg der ökologischen Verantwortung und Exzellenz konsequent weiterzugehen – zum Vorteil unserer Kunden, Partner. Lieferanten und Mitarbeitenden.


mundialis is a future-oriented company and we are committed to our employees. We have grown steadily over the past few years and will continue to need further support in the future.
Are you looking for innovative projects and challenging tasks? Then please feel free to contact us.

Your job is not included?

You would like to apply for a job with us, but your desired position is not advertised?

No problem: We offer people with an interest in GIS, remote sensing, free data and free software a chance to develop their own skills and abilities together in our team.

If you are generally interested, please send your application to job@mundialis.de with the documents that make us want to get to know you better.

We are looking forward to creating a tailor-made position (in Bonn and/or remote) for interested candidates (f/m/d) if we like each other.

We are looking forward to your application!


mundialis is not only an integral part of various user and developer communities, but also has a growing network of partners with the highest level of expertise in their respective fields. Together, many project plans have already been realized.


Since its foundation in 2015, the company can boast numerous satisfied customers from both the public and private sectors. A selection of our activities for our customers can be found under references.

Feel free to contact us

Specially configured product needed? Specially configured software needed? We offer customized solutions for your needs.

Contact us today and benefit from our expertise!

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