GeoDialogue in Bonn: Till Adams presented FOSS4G

On 2nd June 2016, the Sixth GeoDialogue in Bonn took place due to the opening of the GeoSummer ( Location of the event was the House of Education in Bonn. Mr Dr. Rainer Neuerbourg, who is responsible for the processing of geo data at the IHK Bonn, led trought the evening. About 40 guests from […]

mundialis participates in „Best of Startups of the Region“

On Monday, 20 th June 2016, the fourth marketplace of ideas „Best of Startups of the Region“ will start at the Bonn-Rhine-Sieg University on the campus in Rheinbach at 4pm. We are very happy, that mundialis was able to succeed among more than 50 other applicants and that we are now allowed to take part […]

mundialis at the GEO European Projects Workshop in Berlin

Fostering open Earth observation for Europe: GEO European Projects Workshop 31 May – 2 June 2016, Berlin Attracted by this topic, mundialis GmbH & Co. KG presented a poster at this 10th edition of the GEPW16 Earth Observation workshop in Berlin with the title Processing and providing Copernicus Sentinel-2 data on the Web with Open […]

The terrestris and mundialis teams celebrated inauguration ceremony

On 4th May 2016 we, the terrestris and mundialis teams, celebrated our inauguration ceremony in our new offices in Bonn, Kölnstraße 99. After a champagne reception outside, our manager Hinrich Paulsen gave a welcome speech and introduced terrestris to the numerous guests. Among the guests were Dr. Ulrich Ziegenhagen, Department Manager of the Business Development […]

Lectures and Workshops by mundialis at FOSS4G 2016 in Bonn

From the 24th to the 26th of August 2016 the annual FOSS4G conference is taking place in Bonn, Germany. We from mundialis will also be there to hold the following lectures and workshops: Lectures: From outer space to your browser Carmen Tawalika (mundialis GmbH & Co. KG) OpenDEM Generator: combining open access Digital Elevation Models […]

DisruptSpace in Bremen

From April 06 to 08, 2016 a new conference took place for the first time in Bremen, Germany and mundialis was lucky to attend because the event was extraordinary and just great! Dubbed ‚DisruptSpace‘ ( the event was dedicated to business and options centered around space, i. e. the rest of the solar system and […]

Lecture by mundialis at FOSSGIS 2016 in Salzburg

From the 4th to the 6th of July 2016 the annual event FOSSGIS is taking place at the University of Salzburg, Austria. We from mundialis will also be there to hold a lecture: Lecture on the 4th of July 2016 from 3 to 3:30 pm: „Freie (Geo-)Daten mit Freier (Geo-) Software – oder: wie kommen Geodaten zum Nutzer?“ which means […]

We are moving

We will be moving to new offices on Friday, 18th of March 2016. The new address is: mundialis GmbH & Co. KG Kölnstraße 99 53111 Bonn Map: All phone numbers and e-mail addresses will remain the same. Because of the move you might have some trouble reaching us on the 18th March. We apologise […]

Course: Introduction to GRASS GIS 7

The new GRASS GIS Version 7 is gaining an enormous interest due to its impressive features. This course introduces the participants to GRASS GIS in general while starting right away with the new version. Course objectives In this course the participants will learn how to start with the Open Source software GRASS GIS 7 which […]