Markus Neteler joins the management of mundialis in Bonn

From March 2016 onwards, Dr. Markus Neteler, a prominent head of the Open Source GIS scene, will join the management board of mundialis GmbH & Co. KG in Bonn, Germany. Founded in 2015, mundialis combines remote sensing and satellite data analysis in the field of Big Data with Open Source WebGIS solutions. Since 2008, Dr. […]

Professional GRASS GIS certification course

GRASS GIS is the leading free and open source Geographic Information System software suite used for geospatial data management and analysis. GRASS GIS is a great tool for working and process big data, such as the Sentinel remote sensing data from European Copernicus programme or other sources. We offer an introductory and advanced GRASS GIS […]

Merry Christmas…

The mundialis-Team is happy to have some days off and we look forward to an exciting 2016! We wish all friends and visitors happy holidays and a happy new year 2016! You can reach us again from 01-04-2016.

Integrate topographic data for free

With a new free data service, GIS users are able to integrate topographic background information in any desktop or WebGIS application. Only requirement is the ability of the application to integrate a standardized WMS. The new service is offered by the new company mundialis from Bonn. The developers of mundialis, which are specialized in open […]

German National Forum for Remote Sensing and Copernicus 2015

From the 3rd to the 5th of November the national forum for remote sensing and Copernicus 2015 took place in Berlin. The slogan of the event was „Using Copernicus successfully“ – a goal that we want to achieve at mundialis as well. We saw where Sentinel data from the european Copernicus programme is already used […]

Making of: Topography Layer with OSM Overlay

Imagine a new Web Map Service, that everybody can use in his desktop GIS or web application. It shows the topography of the earth in the background with an intuitive color range and useful information like cities, streets and country boundaries on top. It is fast and covers the whole world. In this post we […]

Discover our new WMS services…

Wir haben gerade zwei neue WMS-Dienste veröffentlicht. Sie zeigen die Topographie der Welt und zusätzlich Straßen, Städte und Ländergrenzen. Lesen Sie mehr darüber hier oder schauen Sie direkt in unserem Client an.