HERMOSA Bulletin: Science meets information technology

The objective of HERMOSA is to quantify restoration activities and to create credibility through transparency. To be more precise, the quantification relates to the location and area size, the activities being carried out, the partners involved, the time needed for the project implementation, the amount of money spent, the amount of restoration and conservation achieved, […]

HERMOSA Feature-of-the-Week: Seeing the details – Very High Resolution (VHR) data

In recent posts we already spoke about how the HERMOSA platform relies on the successful Copernicus programme operated by the European Commission and managed by the European Space Agency (ESA). We also mentioned that the satellites called Sentinels collect data at high temporal and spatial resolutions and that this data is made available for free […]

HERMOSA Bulletin: Ready to support the restoration efforts

The year 2021 is the start of the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration declared four years after the Paris Agreement. The latter is an international treaty to limit global warming to well below 2 (preferably 1.5) degrees Celsius compared to pre-industrial times usually dated to 1850 – 1900. The decade will be officially launched on […]

HERMOSA Feature-of-the-Week: Data in HERMOSA is safe

Since the HERMOSA platform is dedicated to the management of predominantly spatial data you might be wondering how the safety and integrity of data is ensured. Well, besides the utilization of a tried and tested, highly customizable authentication and access-control framework there is a user-rights and -roles concept in the making to ensure that data […]

HERMOSA Bulletin: UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration SPECIAL

5 users per SDG get HERMOSA professional level for unbelievably low prices – hurry up, a one time offer!HERMOSA is an internet based platform accessible via https://hermosa.earth which supports the ecosystem restoration process through the use of geo and satellite data. It is the first of its kind to combine matchmaking between stakeholders, supporting the […]

HERMOSA Feature-of-the-Week: Extracting information from Sentinel-1

Last week we already spoke about how the HERMOSA platform relies on the successful Copernicus programme operated by the European Commission and managed by the European Space Agency (ESA). We also mentioned that the satellites called Sentinels collect data at high temporal and spatial resolutions and that this data is made available for free to […]

Unser Weg zur FOSSGIS 2021

Nach einem für alle sicher schwierigen Jahr 2020, haben wir uns alle auf die diesjährige FOSSGIS Konferenz, die im Juni 2021 in Rapperswil in der Schweiz stattfinden sollte, gefreut. Wir hatten gehofft, uns nach den vielen von der Pandemie bestimmten Tagen endlich wieder richtig mit Kunden, Freunden oder Kollegen auf einem Live-Event treffen zu können. […]

HERMOSA Bulletin: Making sure that HERMOSA can interact with other platforms

Not only the recent Earth Day of 2021 has made it clear once again that our planet is in a very poor condition. The atmosphere is heating up at an alarming rate, the forests are being cut down with ever increasing speed and the loss of biodiversity is something that humankind has never seen happening […]

Deutschland 2020 – Landbedeckung auf Basis von Sentinel-2 Daten

– Landbedeckungsklassifizierungskarte von Deutschland für 2020 verfügbar – Mittels des von mundialis entwickelten automatischen Verfahrens zur Erstellung jährlicher Landbedeckungsklassifikationen für ganz Deutschland wurde nun eine aktuelle Landbedeckungskarte für das Jahr 2020 erstellt (hier gibt es die Klassifikationen für 2016 und 2019). Die Karte bildet die Klassen Bebaute Fläche, Grasland, Wald, Landwirtschaft, Vegetationsloser Boden und Wasser […]

HERMOSA Feature-of-the-Week: Sentinel-2 classification and change detection

The HERMOSA platform relies on the successful Copernicus satellite programme operated by the European Commission and managed by the European Space Agency (ESA). The unique and thrilling aspects of these sensors called Sentinels are the high temporal and spatial resolution of the data they produce plus the fact that all of it is made available […]