HERMOSA Bulletin: Building HERMOSA with Free and Open Source Software

Software is codified knowledge and in essence a text file with a number of commands. Whatever we do nowadays, making a phone call, driving a car, booking a hotel or restoring ecosystems would not be possible without software. The software landscape can be divided into two fundamental sections: proprietary and free software. Why is this […]

Copernicus – Europe’s eyes on Earth – at your fingertips

Today it is common practice for everyone to take pictures with digital cameras or mobile phones. When photographing people they are usually not more than a few meters away while landscape pictures might have a range of a few hundred meters or a couple of kilometers at the most. Given this scope of personal experience […]

HERMOSA Bulletin: Supporting the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration

At least since Meadows et al. published the report ‘Limits to Growth’ in 1972 the world has been informed about the unsustainable path that humanity finds itself on. Now, almost 50 years after this widely acclaimed publication, the effects of deforestation, biodiversity loss, air and water pollution are beginning to be felt by the general […]

HERMOSA Bulletin: UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration SPECIAL

5 users per SDG get HERMOSA professional level for unbelievably low prices – hurry up, a one time offer! HERMOSA is an internet based platform accessible via https://hermosa.earth which supports the ecosystem restoration process through the use of geo and satellite data. It is the first of its kind to combine matchmaking between stakeholders, supporting […]

HERMOSA Bulletin: Who needs HERMOSA ?

The answer to the question “Who needs HERMOSA?” is simple: Everyone involved in ecosystem restoration. And while the general public will not need the platform itself, the results from HERMOSA are of interest to it too. Let’s take a closer look. Ecosystem restoration is a multi-sectorial and multi-stakeholder effort taking place in a spatial context […]

Sendai: Hochwasseranalyse in Ecuador mit Hilfe von Sentinel-1 Daten

Hochwasser ist weltweit eine der häufigsten Naturkatastrophen, deren verursachte Schäden je nach betroffener Region häufig nur sehr ungenau beziffert werden können. Das Sendai Rahmenwerk für Katastrophenvorsorge 2015-2030 baut daher auf eine Reihe an standardisierten Indikatoren, die den jährlichen Einfluss von Naturkatastrophen möglichst vollständig abbilden sollen. In dem vom BMWI geförderten Forschungsprojekt VALE (Entwicklung und VALidierung […]

HERMOSA Bulletin: The evolution of the HERMOSA project

In 2016 the European Commission formulated a Space Strategy for Europe which prompted the European Space Agency (ESA) in 2017 to put out a tender requesting concepts to utilize space assets, i.e. data and services from navigation and earth observation satellites, to address food security issues in the context of the Sustainability Development Goal (SDG) […]