Joint press release – Paris, 8. July 2021
Faced with the dynamism of American startups, in the global race for space, Europe offers a
collective response by bringing together the best expertise in the mastery of big data
technologies, “computer vision” and sovereignty in the processing of databases of data.
Eight European companies: two German and six French companies, experts in digital
technologies, come together around Prométhée and founded “Le Kollektiv“, to jointly build a
digital platform that will allow the European New Space to guarantee its export
Environmental degradation and demographic pressure threaten the prosperity, security and future of all
humanity. Prométhée, operator of real-time earth observation services, convinced that the future of Earth
observation will be 100% digital or not, announced today, July 8, 2021, the creation of the Digital New Space
“Le Kollektiv”.
To date, “Le Kollektiv” brings together eight European companies with digital expertise, with a strong Franco
German focus, to face the major challenges of the next decade, in particular the regeneration of degraded
ecosystems, the protection of water resources, optimization of infrastructures, prevention of the outbreak
of a new pandemic, etc.
The central objective of the project lies in the democratization of Earth Observation in order to open up to
mass markets, by diversifying applications and making services accessible to all.
Olivier PIEPSZ, President of Prométhée declared that Le Kollektiv “reflects Prométhée’s desire to work
collectively at French and European level but also with Africa and Latin America, to democratize NewSpace,
by putting its digital platform and its future nanosatellites at the service of agencies that work as close as
possible to its populations”.
“The disruptive technologies brought by the digital world will allow the new space industry to be a gamechanger.
The digitization of the Earth observation value chain, combining cloud computing and orbital edge
computing, mastery of open and commercial data aggregation platforms also leveraging artificial intelligence
and algorithms for distributed and autonomous decision-making will unlock capacities for real-time Earth
observation, disaster forecasting and mitigation, as well as unprecedented possibilities for the automatic
generation of alternative and sustainable strategies for land management “, added Sei CABROL , pilot of the
digital team of Prométhée.
A memorandum of understanding around Prométhée was signed with
- LTU, expert in computer vision,
- IDplizz France, expert in blockchain encryption and intelligent identity verification,
- VisioTerra, scientific consulting firm in Earth Observation,
- Géo4i, provider of geo-intelligence services,
- Magellium, Earth observation and geo-intelligence data processing company,
- Ororatech, detection and monitoring of forest fires by a spatial expert,
- Mundialis, expert in high-performance analysis and processing of geodata .
This protocol aims to seal the will of “Le Kollektiv” to collaborate together and, thus, become a key player in
the field of Earth observation applications which will make it possible to build, locally and in complete
autonomy, tailor-made applications for solutions. sustainable for our common future.
Press Contact
Florence Bonetti
Tél : +33 (0)6 08 49 84 37
55 rue la Boétie | 75008 Paris