This year’s FOSSGIS conference will return to Berlin after 2007 (Humboldt University) and 2014 (Beuth University). As always, the organizers are FOSSGIS e.V. and this year the Institute of Geography at Humboldt University Berlin. Between March 15 and 18, the active members of the German-speaking community will meet in Berlin Adlershof and, for the first time since 2020, in a purely face-to-face event.
In addition to the lecture and workshop program, there will again be the unofficial meeting on the evening before the start of the conference as well as the evening event, which will traditionally take place on the first evening of the conference, this time on Wednesday, March 15. The mundialis team together with our sister company terrestris will of course be there again with fun and enthusiasm and we are looking forward to welcoming you again in presence at our booth. In addition, as every year, we will once again be making a significant contribution to the program. This year you can look forward to the following lectures and workshops with our participation:
Thursday, 16.03.2023
- Lectures
- 16.03, 12:00–12:05, Hörsaal 4, Demosession (0313) “data.mundialis: eine Sammlung neuer offener Datenprodukte!” , Markus Neteler (mundialis)
- 16.03, 16:30–16:50, Hörsaal 2 (0110) “EO-Lab: SHOGun WebGIS, actinia Rasterprozessierung in der Cloud” , Arnulf Christl (terrestris), Markus Metz (mundialis)
- Workshops
- 16.03, 16:00–17:30 , Workshop 2 (1101) “Oberflächenklassifikation aus Luft- und Satellitenbildern mit Hilfe von actinia” , Carmen Tawalika, Anika Weinmann, Lina Kristian, Markus Neteler (mundialis)
Freitag, 17.03.2023
- Lectures
- 17.03, 09:00–09:20, Hörsaal 1 (0115) “Das Beste der 60er, 70er und 80er: hochauflösende Spionagesatellitenaufnahmen” , Markus Metz (mundialis)
- 17.03, 09:30–09:50, Hörsaal 1 (0115) “Automatisierte Detektion von Baumstandorten in der Metropole Ruhr” , Markus Metz, Anika Weinmann, Lina Kristian (mundialis)
Our colleagues from terrestris can be seen at the following:
Wednesday, 15.03.2023
- Lectures
- 15.03, 11:30–11:50, Hörsaal 1 (0115) “ – amtliche Geodaten für Deutschland” , Arnulf Christl (terrestris)
- 15.03, 11:30–11:50, Hörsaal 2 (0110) “Ein Apache Superset Plug-in zur interaktiven Datenrepräsentation mit Karten und Charts” , Sven Burbeck (Bundesamt für Strahlenschutz), Christian Mayer (meggsimum) und Jan Suleiman (terrestris)
- 15.03, 14:00–14:20 , Hörsaal 1 (0115) “OpenLayers Feature Frenzy” , Andreas Hocevar (w3geo) und Marc Jansen (terrestris)
- 15.03, 16:00–16:20 , Hörsaal 2 (0110) “Neues vom GeoStyler” , Daniel Koch und Jan Suleiman (terrestris)
- Workshops
- 15.03, 14:00–15:30 , Workshop 3 (1230) “MapProxy im Praxiseinsatz” , Daniel Koch und Hannes Blitza (terrestris)
- 15.03, 16:00–17:30 , Workshop 2 (1101) “Hands on” , Arnulf Christl (terrestris), Sebastian Ratjens (LGLN) und Katja Schulz
Donnerstag, 16.03.2023
- Lectures
- 16.03, 14:00–14:20, Hörsaal 3 (0119) “Ein Frontend für die Legacy – Netzwerkplanung in der Telekommunikation” , Matthias Daues (vodafone) und Marc Jansen (terrestris)
- 16.03, 16:00–16:20, Hörsaal 2 (0110) “Geodatenanalyse in der Cloud mit OGC API Processes und pygeoapi” , Hannes Blitza (terrestris) und Christian Mayer (meggsimum)
- 16.03, 16:30–16:50, Hörsaal 2 (0110) “EO-Lab: SHOGun WebGIS, actinia Rasterprozessierung in der Cloud” , Arnulf Christl (terrestris)
- 16.03, 17:15–17:20, Hörsaal 3 (0119) “Das neue Geodatenportal der „Marinen Dateninfrastruktur Deutschland (MDI-DE)” , Hannes Blitza (terrestris) und Johannes Melles (BSH)
- Workshops
- 16.03, 09:00–10:30, Workshop 2 (1101) “Orchestrierung einer GDI über Docker” , Daniel Koch und Jan Suleiman (terrestris)
- 16.03, 11:00–12:30, Workshop 1 (1231) “Masterportal in der Praxis” , Hannes Blitza und Daniel Koch (terrestris)
- 16.03, 14:00–15:30 , Workshop 2 (1101) “Einführung GeoServer” , Hannes Blitza und Daniel Koch (terrestris)
We hope to make your participation in the conference palatable with an exciting program and of course especially with our contributions and look forward to welcoming you at FOSSGIS 2023 in Berlin. Registrations are still possible here until shortly before the conference, but in the last years the tickets were sold out quickly!