Each product is customizable
Guido Riembauer
Guido Riembauer
+49 228 / 38 75 80 88

Forest Monitoring

Detection and evaluation of forest condition from current satellite data and delivery as a data package.

Foresters and farmers, government authorities and environmental scientists as well as NGOs involved in land use, resource management and environmental protection need not only accurate but also constantly updated data on forest areas for their work. Manual data collection is inaccurate and time-consuming. And in large and inaccessible forest areas, this is often hardly possible.

Our Forest Monitoring analysis service provides comprehensive information on the condition of forest areas all over the world.

Data acquisition based on satellite data

By using satellite data, the Forest Monitoring analysis service enables accurate and rapid collection of data on forest condition. Since most applications require not only a one-off status description, but also information about changes over time, we also offer this data as a regular analysis service that recognises changes over time.

Efficient monitoring and evaluation of forest condition

Our regular analysis service is used for:

  • Routine monitoring and evaluation of forest cover
  • Detection of changes in forest areas
  • Assessment of the health status of forest areas
  • Planning of reforestation measures
  • Monitoring environmental impacts on forest trees

The data provided by the Forest Monitoring analysis service is particularly valuable in situations where quick and accurate information about forest areas is required, such as in the event of environmental disasters or when monitoring illegal logging.

Our service makes it possible to monitor even large and inaccessible forest areas and is an efficient alternative to time-consuming and often inaccurate manual data collection.

Do you need data on individual trees instead of contiguous forest areas? Our Data Package “Single Tree Detection” provides you with precise and reliable single tree data with detailed parameters from aerial images.

Scope and characteristics of the analysis service

  • Automated quarterly download of Sentinel-2 scenes for a defined area of interest
  • Filtering of satellite image scenes
  • Selection of data sets for the time range of interest from the data time cube created for the project area
  • Pre-processing of scenes, including cloud masking, atmospheric correction, temporal aggregation and optional reprojection
  • Zonal statistics: Calculation of vegetation indices (NDVI, EVI etc.) and median values for the project areas (defined via AOI polygons) or on 10m pixel basis
  • Detection of changes based on the vegetation index time series
  • Creating change alerts and maps

The results will be made available for download as Cloud Optimized GeoTIFF (COG) and/or via Web Map Tile Service (WMTS).

Support in your decision-making process

Our Forest Monitoring analysis service provides detailed, reliable and up-to-date information on the condition of the forest areas you manage. They can effectively monitor changes in vegetation and make well-founded decisions on forest management and environmental protection measures.

The high efficiency and accuracy of the data lead to increased productivity and improved management of forest resources. Reliable results support your environmental management strategies.

Do you need data for forest classification or an analysis over time? Talk to us!

  • Zonal statistics for the AOI polygons or pixel-based values
  • Quarterly statistics and detection of changes
  • Digital data delivery as files or OGC web services
  • Automated monitoring of forest condition
  • Timely insights enabled by dense Sentinel-2 time series
  • Definition of own areas of interest (AOI)
  • Scalable to any area
Each product is customizable
Guido Riembauer
Guido Riembauer
+49 228 / 38 75 80 88