The use of satellite data allows mapping and monitoring of large, hard-to-reach areas to better understand landscapes. Machine learning algorithms enable automatic detection of patterns and changes. Open source tools and high performance computing technologies support forest mapping and land cover restoration. Monitoring forest cover and land cover is critical to provide evidence and report on land cover restoration projects, e.g., in the context of land degradation neutrality and SDG target 15.3.1. It also supports sustainable management and decision-making related to climate change reporting.
The use of Sentinel-1 radar (SAR) data enables detection of forest activity and is essential for forest concession management and reporting transparency for sustainable management certification. SAR can also help identify mining activities such as gold mines.
With Sentinel-2 and Landsat optical satellite imagery, we can help you create up-to-date, high-resolution forest and land use maps.
HERMOSA was implemented in cooperation with our partner company terrestris.