Exciting news from the world of geoinformatics and environmental analysis

We are pleased to announce a pioneering partnership between mundialis GmbH & Co KG from Bonn and Margosa Environmental Solutions Ltd. from the UK. This collaboration combines the strengths of two innovative companies to develop holistic solutions for complex environmental and resource issues. Margosa Environmental Solutions Ltd. brings its extensive expertise in hydrology and geomorphology […]

GRASS GIS Add-ons from mundialis

We are pleased to present an extensive list of GRASS GIS addons developed by mundialis. 🔗 Click here for the overview The variety of tools offered with detailed descriptions and their simple integration options make the add-ons particularly useful for your GIS projects. To name a few examples:

KIBI: AI-based identification and classification of protected plant communities

We are pleased to announce our upcoming research project KIBI!Together with our partners Koblenz University of Applied Sciences and Forschungszentrum Jülich under the consortium leadership of CISS TDI GmbH, we will tackle the precise mapping of protected plant communities (GPG) using satellite and aerial survey data. We use machine learning to identify and classify GPGs […]

News on COâ‚‚e compensation at mundialis for 2021 and 2022

Satellitenbild, das u.a. das Ahlenmoor, Niedersachsen abbildet

As part of our environmental management system and ISO 19001 certification, which we received at the end of 2023, we aim to minimize the environmental impact of our travel activities. The amount of COâ‚‚e emitted due to company mobility is to be offset at the beginning of the year for the previous year As the […]


We are pleased to have been part of the 21st FOSSGIS conference from March 20-23, 2024 in Hamburg. The event will focus on free and open source software for geoinformation systems and on the topics of open data and OpenStreetMap. Exciting discussions took place at the joint stand with our colleagues from terrestris. We would […]

Welcome to the catalog of German space actors

Satellitenbild Mongolei

Welcome to the catalog of German space actors! This is now also the case for mundialis GmbH & Co KG!We have been included as an actor in the newly compiled catalog of German space actors of the German Aerospace Center. We are listed there under the headings “Space-based applications” and “Earth observation”. This underlines our […]

Certified quality and environmental management at mundialis and terrestris

In 2023, a primary goal of mundialis and our sister company terrestris was to achieve successful certification of our respective quality and environmental management systems in accordance with the DIN EN ISO 9001:2015 and DIN EN ISO 14001:2015 standards. We are pleased to announce that our efforts in this regard have been crowned with success […]

terrestris & mundialis on big retreat – an exciting and intensive week

terrestris & mundialis auf der großen Klausurtagung 2023

After 2 years, the time had finally come again: Together with our sister company terrestris GmbH & Co. KG, mundialis GmbH & Co. KG was at our regularly held, one-week retreat in the first week of September. This year in Spanbroek, Netherlands. (see also our satellite image of the month September ). In fantastic weather, […]
