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SADASADAM – Tool for the automated creation of cloud-free satellite data mosaics

SADASADAM (SAme DAy SAtellite DAta Mosaics) is a Python-based command line tool that automates the creation of atmosphere-corrected and cloud-free mosaics from Sentinel-2 and Landsat-8/9 scenes of the same day. This software provides a powerful solution for processing and analyzing large amounts of satellite data.


Imagine you want to obtain a comprehensive overview of a large geographical area. But clouds, different lighting conditions and atmospheric influences make it difficult to evaluate the satellite data. This is exactly where SADASADAM comes in:

  1. Data retrieval: With just one command, SADASADAM accesses the Python package eodag to download all relevant satellite data for the desired day. Eodag acts as a universal interface to various providers, including the United States Geological Survey and Copernicus Dataspace.
  2. Atmospheric correction and cloud detection: As soon as the data is available, SADASADAM begins automatic pre-processing. The open source software FORCE is used to correct the data radiometrically, topographically and atmospherically. Clouds are detected and eliminated, leaving only clear, usable image data.
  3. Mosaic creation: The cleansed data is then merged into a seamless mosaic. SADASADAM uses an innovative data cube model that efficiently processes large volumes of data. The result is a seamless, cloud-free representation of the survey area.
  4. Optimization and flexibility: Processing can be further accelerated through parallelization depending on the hardware capacity. All relevant settings, such as the parameters of the FORCE modules, can be adjusted via a configuration file, which makes the application flexible and adaptable.


With SADASADAM you can efficiently create high-quality, cloud-free satellite mosaics. Whether you are analyzing a small region or a large area, SADASADAM delivers precise and immediately usable data.

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