The terrestris and mundialis teams celebrated inauguration ceremony

On 4th May 2016 we, the terrestris and mundialis teams, celebrated our inauguration ceremony in our new offices in Bonn, Kölnstraße 99.

After a champagne reception outside, our manager Hinrich Paulsen gave a welcome speech and introduced terrestris to the numerous guests. Among the guests were Dr. Ulrich Ziegenhagen, Department Manager of the Business Development institution Bonn and Athina Trakas, Director for European Services at the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC). Thereafter, Dr. Markus Neteler, general manager of mundialis, presented how the company, which was founded in the summer of 2015, intends to interlink remote sensing and web-based geo services and how benefits derive from this combination.

The manager of mundialis and terrestris, Till Adams, recapitulated in a witty and short presentation how it came about that the international FOSS4G conference will take place in Bonn. Till is the chairman of the global meeting between Open Source GIS developers and users in the WCCB, the former German Bundestag.

Last but not least, Carmen Tawalika provided a first glimpse into the current development of mundialis: she talked about the web-based application which enables the user to select data of the Copernicus remote sensing mission Sentinel-2 and to initiate standardized analyses, e.g. the automatic creation of a vegetation index (NDVI) or an atmospheric index. The desired maps are derived from the raw satellite image data provided by ESA. As a consequence, the access options to such data are drastically reduced from several days or even weeks to only a few hours.

The inauguration celebration ended in an convivial evening with Kölsch, sausages, salads and the day’s final sun rays in front of the new offices of our company.

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